Thursday, June 18, 2009

Illegal Immigrants Boost the Nations Economy

Seen on the nightly news, in our morning newspapers, found online in news sources and read in magazines daily are reports that illegal immigrants are harming the United States economy. For more than two decades illegal immigrants here in America have been the target of national attention. They report that the growing numbers of illegal immigrants are lowering U.S. wages and setting up a demand for new schools, hospitals, and other public services. These reports have scared American citizens into thinking they are under invasion from Mexico.

Despite these reports nothing can be farther from the truth and corporate America has taken notice. Corporate America has recognized the economic influence and power of the illegal immigrant population. Corporate America is wise in realizing that it is illegal to hire illegal immigrants for labor but it is not illegal for corporate America to sell them products and services. Many large businesses such as mortgage lenders, banks, credit card companies, insurers, and cell phone carriers have accepted this growing population and reached out to them. Through this process illegal immigrants are swept into the economic mainstream. This is a tremendous benefit to our economy, fueling economic growth and increasing the share of taxes paid by illegal immigrants.

As we have seen it is impossible for the United States of America to stop illegal immigration. While we try to devise a plan to legalize these immigrants let the U.S. government offer them work visas and green cards so that they may contribute their services without fear of retaliation for being here illegally. Let us allow them to find jobs, not limiting the number of participants. The government should grant these immigrants full worker rights including official driver’s licenses and health insurance. With a plan following realistic guidelines we can restore the respect for the law to the illegal immigrants. After all these illegal immigrants are not going anywhere. They are here to stay so let us welcome them with open arms.

1 comment:

  1. While I don't agree with immigrants coming over illegally, I think that America wouldn't be the same without them. Most immigrants are willing to do very hard manual labor for not very much pay. Most people have lawn workers that mow their grass and do landscaping. I'm definitely not saying that all of them are illegal, but if some are they are still helping us out and doing honest work for honest pay. American money is much more valuable than what they had in their country. There are some jobs that stuck up Americans won't do, and if there weren't "illegal immigrants" to do the job for them, then who would? Construction workers stay out in the sun all day and exert a lot of energy to build houses and buildings for people. As long as illegal immigrants aren't doing illegal jobs, I say there is no problem with them being here.
