Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Legalize It

I on the other hand believe marijuana and the responsible use of marijuana should be legalized. R. Keith Stroup, executive director of the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML) would agree. After a hard days work we all seek a way to relax. Some choose to light up a cigarette, others choose to swing down a cold brew and for some their guilty pleasure is sparking up a joint. All used to relieve the stresses endured throughout the day. It is no secret that many Americans choose to use marijuana for this purpose.

I will not argue that marijuana is not abused because it is but that abuse falls on the individual choosing to use the drug. Abuse of marijuana is no different than abuse of prescription medications, nicotine, and alcohol. I believe marijuana to be less harmful than nicotine and alcohol. Smoking nicotine is carcinogenic to the smoker and those around them. Drinking alcohol destroys ones liver over time and getting behind the wheel intoxicated takes the life of many innocents every day.

Those who smoke marijuana are usually too high to leave their home. You tend to find them in an elevated state on the couch in front of the television set with a bag of Doritos in one hand and a Dr. Pepper in the other. If you find them behind the wheel of a motor vehicle they are usually traveling 20 miles per hour due to paranoia, a common known side effect of marijuana. At the speed the marijuana smoker is driving not much damage will be done if they are involved in an accident. 

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