Friday, June 19, 2009

A Solution For Two Problems

The United States of America has two problems and one is that recruiting for the armed forces is down and the other is a so called problem with illegal immigrants. The armed forces recruiting goals have been reduced yet the military has fallen twenty five percent short of reaching those goals. They have raised enlistment bonuses and lowered their standards for enlistment hoping to gain new recruits or salvage the remains of what they currently have. Uncle Sam is now accepting high school dropouts and minor criminals as well.

Granted that the U.S. has a problem with military forces falling short of entrees and some claim we have a problem with illegal immigrants there is a solution to both. DREAM, the Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors, proposes that citizenship for undocumented immigrant children be granted upon their completion of two years of college or two years of U.S. military service. Some would claim we do not need illegal immigrants fighting in combat situations for a country which they are not culturally bonded. Military training and discipline seem like a good way to build that bond. Serving two years in the military is a small price to pay for legal documentation for illegal immigrants. And if it were up to me we would offer this plan to everyone world wide if they wanted to come to the United States of America.

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