Thursday, June 11, 2009

NORML Supports

People from all economic backgrounds are affected by the laws prohibiting marijuana at this time. The outdated law of prohibition is causing more harm to the American people than good. 20 million people have been arrested for marijuana since 1965. This is over crowing the prison system with non-violent offenders and the process is costing the United States billions of dollars each year.

A plan has been proposed on how to bring about change. Appealing to the American people- regardless of race, nationality, age or sexuality- NORML encourages them to speak out by contacting their state representative. The government can place regulations on marijuana. Taxing marijuana will help the struggling economy. Legalizing it will create millions of jobs for the American people who now suffer from the high unemployment rate. The American people themselves are the only ones with the ability to make change and if change is sought the time to speak up is now.

1 comment:

  1. Why do yuo keep on sayign that marijuna should be allowed legaly? And do you really think that taxing marijuna will hlep the economy? Thoguh it might be said if it is taxed high enough mabye people will stop using to get high and start using for medical(?) reasons.
