Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Marijuana Use Not a Crime

The United States of America fights an unjust war everyday, "the War on Drugs", which is nothing more than a war over money. Choosing to partake in drug use is nothing more than the choice of the individual and it is not a crime. There is a difference between drug use and drug abuse and both will continue to happen. This leads more specifically to marijuana, is its use any more dangerous than prescribed medications, nicotine, or alcohol; all of which are legal and all of which are abused. The answer is no. Then why does the United States government continue to prosecute recreational marijuana users as hardened criminals? Yeah the question continues to baffle me as well...


  1. I understand that for a long time marijuana users were villified and grouped with the murderers and rapists of the world. More recently, several states (13 I believe) have passed decriminalization laws which call for penalties which are much less severe when it comes to recreational users of marijuana. I see this as a positive step in the discussion of marijuana for two reasons. First, the recreational drug users are not treated as severely as they once were. Second, the rule of law is still enforced. A majority of people in all states still hold that marijuana should remain illegal. This issue appears on a ballot in some state at least once each election cycle and so far no state has passed it. I think the people of each given state have the right to legalize marijuana or not, but until or if they do, I think everyone should respect the right for them to decide.
    Until that time marijuana use should remain a crime, though only a misdemeanor.

  2. it may be mabye true that marijuana has some unfair bad rep, however marijuna is a gateway drug to other drugs meanign that peopel who tend to take marijuana get so addicted to it they go on to more powerful drugs sych as cocaine and meth. Keeping it illegal stops people from doing it more openly and limits how it can be spread out umong us.

  3. I would have to disagree with Rick; marijuana is not a gateway drug. Studies involving marijuana have proven that marijuana is not addictive, but instead the lifestyle that accompanies it. I believe that the legalization of it has yet to come because the government can not really tax it and until they do it will remain illegal. Not only could the police officers take their focus off lazy potheads whom just want to sit on the couch and watch t.v., but they could devote their excess time locking up the true criminals. But consider this: the current situation that our economy is in could be saved if maybe states began to sell and tax marijuana. So in a way marijuana could be another one of Obama's stimulus packages if governed in the correct manner.

  4. I will still say that marijuana still has the potenial to be the gateway drug to other drugs and plant the seeds of laziness and idleness. By taking the drug, it affects their way of thinking and choose bad desions in thier lives when it comes to school, family, etc. I know this not because i never took any form of drugs but that i had know people around me and my freinds and family that have craved marijuana and that leads ot a pathetic lifestyle. Also the marijuana being sold and taxed on IS NOT going to sovle to problem unless everyone wants to buy it. Come on. P.S. If I made any spelling errors, I apolgize for make mistakes.
